Best Soccer Players in the World

Best Soccer Players in the World
Hala Jugadores

Friday, January 13, 2012

USA Soccer Team Troubles

After losing to Mexico 4-2 in the Gold Cup after being two goals ahead, USA sacked coach Bob Bradley and replaced him with previous Germany Coach, Jurgen Klinsmann. Klinsmann, born in Goppingen, Germany, was a legend in soccer and now hopes to escort the U.S. national team to the next stage or two in its evolution. USA hopes that his impact can be game changing and explosive enough for USA to compete with some of the best teams in the world.

Klinsmann had said something that was strongly neglected by previous coach, Bob Bradley, which was to encourage MLS stars in America to train abroad and play for some of the greatest teams in Europe. He hopes that this will help these young stars such as Brek Shea, Tim Ream, and Juan Agudelo become better players by playing in more competitive environments. He hopes they will play abroad because he says that players under him can never achieve that same fever-pitch enthusiasm until they stretch themselves. His petition to get MLS players to join camps abroad seemed like a great move since these players started to mature and produce more during the pitch. He trusts his players to work out and make the right decisions and said, "I expect them to organize themselves, but I will always be happy to help."

Although Klinsmann encourages his players to train hard, he realizes that the team would need about "Ten Landon Donovans" to even think about reaching a minuscule goal such as winning the world Cup final or even reaching it. The big problem is that there was no reason for previous USA coach, Bob bradley, to be fired for his coaching. He led the United States to the Gold Cup and the World Cup quarterfinals. The real problem is that the USA national team has never produced a player such as Javier "Chicharito" Hernandez who is a world class player. There is no one extraordinary on the US team, every player is nothing but a typical youth player. Bob Bradley had nothing to do with how his players were unable to win major cups, but others thought he was the reason because of his defensive minded formation and eventually led to him being replaced.

Surprisingly, Klinsmann's offensive formation has caused players to score even fewer goals then they have scored under Bob Bradley and his defensive formation. Klinsmann's first game coaching the USA against Mexico, which was the biggest rival, showed his ability to coach when USA was able to draw level with Mexico and end in a tie 1-1. As more games were played, his record started to plunge and he started to lose the trust of fans. People have been furious with how the US has failed to produce goals with only scoring 4 times in 6 matches. All of this frustration has caused the US national team president, Sunil Gulati, to be questioned. He was the one who hired Klinsmann and is now under tension and chaos since the US team is doing even worse than it had done before. I assure you, a change will be coming up shortly to fix these goal scoring woes.


  1. Honestly I am not surprised. USA needs to get their act straightened out. I am very proud to be an American but not when it comes to soccer. Just my strong opinion!

    1. Yeah, but you can't blame USA because the players here aren't nearly as good as players from other countries but i believe that if they worked harder, they might be able to win games.

  2. a new coach is a good start to a new season. They made a good decision by doing this.

    1. I think they did, but we'll have to see if this new coach can help players on the US team score more goals.

  3. I think that having a new coach will totally pull the USA up as a real competitor in the international arena.

    1. Yeah, I agree, but I just hope that this work towards the US team will pay off.

  4. It's good w that we have a new coach, it will hopefully bring us to the next level.

  5. Hopefully, we'll have to see if his new coaching methods help.

  6. Hopefully the US can pull their weight this year; I kind of want a good soccer team.

    1. Hopefully, players on the US team can improve their skills by training with Jurgen Klinsmann and score an abundant amount of goals in international matches.
